Trip Advisor

Tripadvisor is a travel research platform gathers users ratings & reviews and comments about locations, lodgings (including hotels, B&Bs, specialty lodging, and vacation rentals), restaurants, and activities all over the world.

Africa Travel association

The Africa Tourism Association was founded in 1975 as a non-profit trade organisation for the travel sector in Africa. "Promote travel, tourism, and transportation to and within Africa.

African Tourism Board

South African Tourism is managed by a board chosen by the Minister of Tourism, Ms Lindiwe Nonceba Sisulu, and chaired by the Interim Board Chairperson, Advocate Mojanku Gumbi.

Tourist Link

Touristlink gives you opportunity to get a real feel of the culture. Meet up with a local for a coffee or beer, find travel companions to share the journey. Touristlink makes it easy to arrange your trip directly with the person organizing it. With over 50,000 tour operators and 150,000 travelers and locals signed up we are the largest social network connecting travelers and locals.

East African Wildlife Society

East African Wild Life Society is a non-governmental conservation organisation with a membership base. It was established in 1961 as a result of the merger of the Wildlife Societies of Kenya and Tanzania.


SafariBookings is the largest online marketplace for African safari tours. Easily compare offers from top-rated tour operators. Make decisions like a pro by using our 88,572 reviews and 216 destination guides.
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