Anthony Ocheing

An accomplished Tourism Marketing Professional with over 15 years of distinguished performance in the Tourism Industry. Portfolio of achievements include increasing revenue, driving profit improvement and improving brand awareness. Broad based background encompasses exceptional work ethics and commitment to organizational objectives. Proactive Team Leader, team Builder and tactical planner with ability to hire, train and motivate top performance. Contributed to revenue growth for some Companies through combination of creativity, initiative and strong leadership. I have worked for both the County Government and the Private sector.

I am a goal-driven and passionate about tourism work, with great interpersonal and communication skills, ability to manage travel plans and organize tasks effectively with highly commendable administrative and managerial skills coupled with efficiency in getting the best deals online, I have a formal training business and tourism management, I am meticulous with details, outstanding problem-solving abilities, receptiveness to new ideas and other people’s insights, admirable resourcefulness, ability to speak fluently and confidently before a large audience, ability to speak fluent English and Kiswahili.

I have been instrumental in institutional tourism policy formulation, product development, destination marketing strategies, technical trainings and business management organizations. Currently, I sit in the Board of Tour Operators Society of Kenya among other portfolios.

~Anthony Ocheing

From Pollant Travels

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